
Financial Advice for Immigrants

Most people who immigrate to another country have experiences that differ from natives. They often have a hard time adapting financially. This is not to say that immigrants cannot be successful and prosperous, but the playing field is different. Hence, having the right information and proper financial awareness becomes important.

There have been countless people who have extraordinary success stories after moving to a new country. Many immigrants have gone …

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Financial Advice for Wealthy People

With money comes a certain security that we all strive for. Whether you have recently come into money, been saving for a long time or finally got that promotion, you may be starting to consider how best to secure and continue growing your wealth.

Having a proper financial management and maintenance plan is key to a future of financial freedom, even if you feel like you have enough now. Especially …

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Financial Advice for Married People

While many people are often advised on managing their sole finances, the game somewhat changes after marriage. This change is not bad, but simply a reality of life. Therefore, learning how to manage, protect, and grow funds with one's spouse can be invaluable. Of course, every marriage is different, and no two couples are alike; nevertheless, the awareness and application of the forthcoming advice will certainly engender fruitful and properly …

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Financial Advice for Less Well-Off Individuals

Financial advice for less well off individuals

Life is different for each and every person. People have different work lives, different families, and different situations. Some people make millions per year while others make thousands. Some have good credit while some don't. Some individuals are able to independently support themselves through their emergency fund while other may receive assistance from friends, relatives, or even the government.

Despite the stereotypes and assumptions which are usually made regarding high-income …

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Basic Money Handling Tips

In this day and age, even being aware of the most basic money management skills will work wonders for your finances.

The perks of managing capital appropriately are well-documented—you feel relaxed, secure, and confident. When you have funds available, you can avoid taking out small loans too often. You can also prepare for the future without worrying about what the economy might hold.

Money Handling Tips To Get You Back …

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The Top Three Ways to Build A Healthy Savings Account

In current times, a healthy savings account is more important than ever. However, an alarming report from Zero Hedge affirms that nearly 50% of Canadians do not have more than $200 in savings. The awareness and ability to save money always comes in handy in case of a job layoff, medical emergency, or other financial expense that may appear at a moment's notice. This is why an overall understanding of …

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Learn 10 Exclusive Money Habits To Improve Your Financial Portfolio


Developing some new money habits is essential when attempting to transform your financial portfolio. Accustoming yourself to these new habits will take some time, but it is worth the effort ultimately. Your daily money decisions will have a significant impact on your long-term financial health. Just as physical health requires good eating and daily exercise, your financial health also depends on good decisions and vigilance.

Daily choices can help you …

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4 Everyday Ways to Save When You Buy Online and in Real Time

Who isn't looking for everyday ways to save? Canadians certainly are, but honestly, it doesn't matter where you live in the world. If you go online you will find everyday ways to save quite easily. This goes beyond traditional coupon clipping too. When you have a budget goal but you still would like the opportunity to splurge you can. It only takes a little bit of wit, discovering some …

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Where Should You Really Cut Back on Your Budget?

Too much traditional savings advice focuses too strictly on removing all of the things an individual might love. Don't drink coffee, don't buy this, don't buy that, etc

Why not consider what motivates you then work around it?

When you cut your budget to save for things you have been longing for, it just creates a possibility of a way better outcome.

As human beings, we like to look forward …

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Time to Start Planning Savings Resolutions in 2021


With a new year comes a new chance to gain control of your money, and set yourself up for a future of financial freedom.

Maybe you've had enough of living paycheque-to-paycheque, or perhaps you’re hoping to buy a house. Whatever your goals are, getting serious about saving takes proper planning and consistency. Whether you're just getting started with saving money or you've been doing so for a while, here …

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