Are you aware of the facts and myths associated with settling your mounting credit card debt ? This does apply to those who struggle with climbing interest rates and late penalty payments on credit cards too. Year after year consumer debt has risen 4.9%, according to financial analysts and this gives pause for concern when it comes down to Canada's financial stability. One of the most prevailing factors we want …
This halloween, don’t let finances frighten you—save that for the scary costumes and decorations!
There's no reason to break the bank to have fun. Some of the best things about halloween require very little spending. Whether you're hosting this year's Halloween party or you're just decorating your home, staying on budget is something you won’t regret.
Remember that the holiday is more about the people involved than the things you …
Is retirement edging close to you? Based on surveys taken across Canada, most people are undecided about whether to retire or un-retire. Some would prefer to work as long as possible, mainly to continue meeting their financial needs.
Many Canadians simply can't afford to retire and are now looking into the concept of unretiring. Over half of Canadian workers are considering unretiring because they have not saved enough to …
Recently, finance Minister tabled the federal budget for 2021. Election year budgets are typically more generous than usual, and despite a projected budget decline for the fiscal year (Due to Covid-19 mostly), this one nevertheless contains a spread of handouts to Canadian families: a mixture of tax cuts, tax credits, financial documents and extra spending.
In this article, we’ll take a look at a few of the highlights, changes that …
This article is part of our Finance Hub.
The greater your income is, the easier it is to build a successful budget. We have already covered how to secure a pay raise, but it's a different ballgame if you don't have a job at all. Or perhaps, you have a job but are looking to upgrade your income. After all, you will need a solid income to …
A filing cabinet is one of the most important tools any financially-literate person can have. While electronic records are getting more common, we are still a long way from being a paperless society. Plus, there are several security concerns online. With online fraud running rampant, your tax receipts and utility bills must be kept safe.
Besides good financial planning and avoiding investment scams, keeping a good financial record …
When you go shopping, it can be difficult to know how much more than the sticker price you will be made to pay. Like other taxes, figuring out the Canadian sales tax system can be very complicated. How much do you have to pay? What do you have to pay for? Where does that extra five to fifteen percent of your bill go? What about taxes on auto insurance? …
Credit card debt casts a long shadow over Canada. According to a 2013 report by RBC Economics, Canadians owe a total of $73.7 billion to their credit card companies. For reference, that is more than a quarter of what the Canadian federal government spent that year. So, how can you avoid becoming a statistic? How can you prevent yourself from sinking deeper into debt ?
For some Canadians, the …
Imagine a world without coins or banknotes; a world where every transaction you make is carried out using your credit card, or even your smartphone. Around the world, cash is being used less and less compared to electronic transactions, and Canadians are among the leaders in this shift in the global economy. According to a 2013 study by MasterCard Canada , Canada is moving towards a cashless economy, behind only …
This article is part of our Finance Hub.
Credit cards are useful, but they’re also dangerous. Their convenience makes it very easy to pile up debt, debt which will accumulate interest quickly and ruin your finances. This guide will teach you how to use your credit card responsibly, enjoying the benefits of credit card use while avoiding the risks.
Life Without Credit Cards
If credit cards are risky, why …