As people get older, some may believe that their acquired money habits will continue to serve them. While decades of money experience does have it's pros, most seniors still struggle to save enough for retirement. Even the ones who are strong enough to continue working. The last thing you need when you are old is some young person harassing you because you are late on your bills.
Senior …
As technology and automation become more integrated into human society, many people are taking advantage of the associated benefits. In fact, some people now make money by simply blogging and sharing their content. However, not everyone is in tune with this lifestyle. As a matter of fact, certain individuals are choosing to adopt minimalist lifestyles and habits. Some people even opt to live off the grid, soak up nature, and …
College is often regarded as a rite of passage into adulthood. While people hold varying opinions on the merits and pitfalls of college, there are certain occupations where a professional degree is absolutely paramount. However, there’s nothing that comes without a cost. This is especially applicable to college. The cost of attending college is a never-ending discussion.
This is why being financially prepared for college is critical. Those who are …
Nobody ever wants to be laid off from their jobs. Many people not only enjoy their work, but it also allows them to support themselves and relatives who may be dependent on them. Besides, having a job fulfills the human need to feel responsible.
If life were perfect, everyone would keep their jobs and never have to worry about layoffs. However, this isn't the case. Job layoffs occur more often …
Divorce is a difficult and tragic time in the life of any couple. However, there are times when things happen, irreconcilable differences occur, and the only best recall is divorce. When divorce is the best option, it is very important to follow through on it. Divorces are generally regarded as stressful and draining, although, these pains can be minimized to a certain extent.
The proper and thorough financial planning is …
At some point and time in most people's lives, they will be ready to pack up and move. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they may have received a job promotion or relocation. In other cases, a family may be ready for a new beginning or simply want to be closer to relatives. Nevertheless, there are countless motivators which can cause people to move across the state, …
When we think of financial goals, we often think about the exciting things in life. A family home, an overseas trip, starting a business, preparing for the holiday season, or perhaps even our dream car.
The reality is, financial planning is just as important for the opposite things as well. Things we never want to think about. Like for our own death, funeral or unexpected emergencies.
Death …
Home ownership is a huge step and can be very exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Many individuals dream of the day that they will purchase their first home and enjoy all the perks and amenities of doing so.
However, in order for the process of purchasing a home to be stress-free and as smooth as possible, it is very important for the soon-to-be homeowners to engage in some …
As the world of work changes, more and more people are taking steps to go into business for themselves. Sometimes this is done via freelancing, the gig economy, or simply by launching a startup company.
However, making the right moves when launching a startup business is absolutely imperative and can be the determining factor in success or failure. One of the biggest and most common mistakes made by aspiring entrepreneurs …
Marriage is an exciting step for most people. Entering into a union and partnership with the person that you love, cherish, and care about is wonderful. However, like most things, entering a marriage requires and involves thorough financial planning.
Chances are that both people have contrasting financial histories. When entering into a legal partnership, total and complete transparency are absolutely paramount.
Here are helpful steps you can take as a …