Tips to Avoid My 5 Personal Money Mistakes

Posted on Tuesday 05 July 2016


Finances can be confusing to many young Canadians across British Columbia --and stressful, I know this personally. It is never easy admitting mistakes we might have made in the past, especially when it comes to your money and spending--but it is the only way you can really transform for the better.

Now, it is common to make money mistakes in your 20's and 30's, and even sometimes into your more mature years--definitely if it's about investments gone awry. Hopefully our tips we share with you here will help you to avoid any and all types of financial blunders throughout every phase of life. It would be helpful, wouldn't it?  Please read on for some of the most common, and easiest financial mistakes people make daily.

Financial Mistakes That Are Totally Avoidable

Remember, there are unique financial mistakes for different phases of life, some more critical than others even. For example, when you're 18 you don't think much about how you're spending money, but it can have an impact. However this isn't as detrimental as it would be when you're at the age of saving for retirement.

Something to think about, right--because really, you're never too young to start saving. Let's look a bit closer at what works and what doesn't and how you can stay ahead of the financial game!


Mistake #1
Why are you trying to keep up with all of your friends? You don't need to splurge and spend money like a crazy person just to look cool, this isn't high-school anymore! Looks can be extremely deceiving, so don't fall into the trap you're trying to avoid.

Mistake #2
Lose the reckless attitude about managing your money because you're young. It's all too common. You think that you don't have to worry about managing and saving your money properly because you're just a college student. Well, think again. Developing the right mindset about money when you're young helps you better manage it when you REALLY need to! This tip right here is gold. A good practice is next time you get your pay day loan online? Pay it back on time as well.

Mistake #3
Don't go into credit card debt! Too many college students go into debt to pay for college, or to get by while a student. Many creditors take advantage of young people during this time, so try your best to avoid credit cards and other high interest loans. These money mistakes can have long-term consequences.

Mistake #4
Don't spend too much on a car! Going into large debt for a car can be a college students biggest mistake. If you can save the money for a good running vehicle, a few years older, it will be the best solution for you. This will help you avoid the stress of making a car payment month after month.

Mistake #5
An inability to start a budget can cause financial stress when you don't need it. You're never too young to begin keeping track of what you spend and where your money goes. You should plan and document all of your transactions, finding ways to mend holes and begin putting money aside for that possible rainy day.
