Stockpiling Food Can Save Canadian Families on Groceries

Posted on Sunday 02 October 2016


Stockpiling is a very common practice, but will it work for you the way you expect? The first tip to start saving money stockpiling on groceries is to only get those things you know you're going to use--it makes sense, right? Within just a few months you can have a nice stockpile of necessities and groceries! There are rules to maintaining your stockpile as well--so the money you spend will pay off for the long-term. While we're always happy when you take out online loans with My Canada Payday, we're happier when you don't need to. You want to make sure your food stays fresh, so it is a good idea to keep things rotated. Now you'll read many tips and strategies on just how to shop to create a surplus, but you'll find a variety of information here, in one convenient place! We try to give the most updated info, so if you're ready to really start improving on saving money grocery shopping through bulk buying, we've got the answers you're looking for. Let's get right to it!

Save Money Annually When You Stockpile on Groceries


Don't forget, to properly get started, begin with a list of all the more common items you use on a daily basis. This saves time, money, and frees you from clutter too! These below pointers just might be very beneficial to those newbies beginning a plan like this! You can easily overdo stockpiling, so just pay attention to your buying and don't go overboard.  You are going to save a great amount on toothpaste, as long as you don't buy too many on sale. It is better to get enough to keep you stockpiled for 2 to 3 months--that is the ideal time frame. No matter what you choose, don't forget to pay attention to expiration dates at all times!

  • Don't forget you should rotate your oldest foods to the front so that those get eaten first.  This. will ensure all food gets eaten and money isn't wasted.
  • Once you have a stockpile you should shop from your pantry, not run back to the grocery store for more.
  • Use a menu based plan, and create your menu on what you have on hand.  Grocery shopping will then become easier and you just replace what you run out of.
  • Store your food in airtight containers and keep them in a cool, dry place.  This will prevent spoilage and any possible pest problem as well.
  • Many don't realize that non-perishable items can go bad just like other food can.  Therefore don't stock up so much that expiration dates are reached.
  • Don't overstock on OTC medications because they can lose their potency over time.
  • To preserve your fresh foods you can freeze them--but remember they also have a shelf life.