Most lenders demand that you repay your loan immediately on your next payday. Do you need your cash for a little bit longer? You can request your next-but-one pay date to repay, and save lots of cash.
We don't believe in hassles.
Nobody likes red tape, so we keep it simple. We aren't going to ask you a hundred questions about what you want the money for, and our signup form is only one short page. Also, no fax is required for applying for the loan, the entire process is online.
All you have to is fill out a one-page form and get an instant cash advance sent by e-Transfer.
Prefer Telephone?
Our customer service agents are happy to help you apply for your loan. It only takes a few minutes to be approved and your money can be in your account in just half an hour. We work hard to approve everyone and pride ourselves on approving almost everyone for a cash advance! We are certain that you will find us to be the best lender in all of Canada.
Getting a loan is safe and easy.
We are a fully licensed online payday lender. Click the button below to get information about online payday loans and the provincial licensing requirements for lenders.
Payday Loans in Canada | |
Payday Loans in Ontario | Get a payday loan in Ontario in only 15 minutes |
Payday Loans in Alberta | Borrow as much as $1500 and pay back over three pay periods in Alberta |
Payday Loans in Nova Scotia | Loans sent by e-Transfer 24/7 all across Nova Scotia |
Payday Loans in Saskatchewan | No questions asked, get a loan to take care of any financial problem |
Payday Loans in Manitoba | Bad credit is no problem getting a payday loan in Manitoba |
Payday Loans in BC | Open 7 days a week and holidays, payday loans in BC are always available |
Filling out the application should take less than 5 minutes. Submitting your banking details is also very quick.
We are completely online, so you won't need to FAX any documents or go to a storefront.
Bad credit is no problem with My Canada Payday. Most short term loans are issued with no credit check, based on your online bank account.
Always check to make sure that any lender you talk to has an up to date lending license. We are licensed to operate in every province that we do business in.
Your personal information is safe with us. We use state of the art encryption to protect your data, and we don't sell it to third parties.
Check out our great reviews! We are rated 9.0/10 at TrustPilot. That's because our customers are always satisfied.
Here we cover the most common questions we are asked about our payday loans. Check the full FAQ for more details or our Finance Hub.