
10 Tax Tips for Young Professionals

It isn’t always easy to find the answers—and as you learn more about filing your taxes, you might even come up with new questions entirely. That’s why we’ve put together the top 10 tax tips for young professionals in Canada to help you understand exactly what you are up against. If you’re ready to start thinking about filing your taxes, start with the tips below to make the process as stress-free and as efficient as possible!

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What is Minimalism? How Sustainable Living Can Save You Money

If you haven’t heard of minimalism or sustainable living before, you may want to consider using them as a way to simplify your finances and save money over the long term. This is especially true if your finances are causing stress and anxiety, or if you are looking for a more holistic way to organize and declutter. Read more about what minimalism and sustainable living looks like and give you three steps that you can take to use them both to save money.

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Top Ways to Make Money from Home in 2021

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can start making money from home, you’re in the right place! Make this your year to start changing your income, and check out the sections below for the best ways to make money from home in 2020.

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How to Achieve Your Financial Goals For 2021

If you want to give yourself the best chance to meet each and every goal in 2021, you’ve come to the right place! In the sections below, we’ll give you five expert, actionable ways to create and achieve your financial goals this year.

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New Year's Resolutions: How to Set Realistic Financial Goals

Worried that you might be setting unrealistic financial goals? Don’t be. You can totally start 2020 off right by understanding how to set goals that you can actually meet! In the sections below, we’ll give you the best tips on how to create goals that will set you up for success in the new year.

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Getting Your Finances in Order: Your 2021 Checklist

Focusing on boosting your financial health is a great way to start the new year off right and set yourself up for success down the road. But it’s hard to know where to begin, especially if you have multiple goals that you want to accomplish—or aren’t even sure what your goals should be.

That’s exactly why we’ve put together a checklist to help you get your finances in order for 2021. Take a look below for a step-by-step overview of how to set yourself up for financial success in the new year.

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How Do Banks Make Money? The Importance of Earning Interest on Your Savings

Think about the last time that you signed up for a bank account. What made you choose that bank? They probably offered you a free checking account or a free cooler or a sweet gift card as part of the deal (and who doesn’t love free things).

But if banks are offering free checking accounts, giving prizes away, and giving some percentage rates of return to your hard-earned savings, how are they making money? Aren’t they just there to keep track of your cash and ensure that it stays safe?

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The Best Tried and True Ways to Save Money

There are plenty of tried and true ways to start saving money—and you can start saving money today, all without making huge, stressful sacrifices. In the sections below, we’ll walk you through the best ways to start saving money and show you just how easy it is to take control of your financial health.

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3 Friendly Financial Tips For Those Twenty Somethings


Living in your twenties is not what it used to be, and in no way is it easier.  In fact, thinking practically, living on your own in your twenties has become quite challenging.  Many young Canadians have actually returned back home, finding the financial strain too much to handle.  

Balancing finances, work and school is hectic--but having to struggle just to keep the lights on is not something 20 somethings …

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