Are you aware of the facts and myths associated with settling your mounting credit card debt ? This does apply to those who struggle with climbing interest rates and late penalty payments on credit cards too. Year after year consumer debt has risen 4.9%, according to financial analysts and this gives pause for concern when it comes down to Canada's financial stability. One of the most prevailing factors we want …
For so many families across British Columbia , no matter how much income is earned annually, this simply appears to never be enough (Sounds like something people managing the Federal budget would say). This is a common complaint across the region (Including Vancouver), and possibly even the world.
However, you want to try to avoid incurring debt as much as humanly possible. Incurred debt can feel like a …
An emergency fund is more valuable than ever in today’s shaky economy than ever. You never know when life is going to throw you a surprise. From your water heater dying to your car stalling, you don't have to get payday loans in Barrie or wherever you live, just for basic survival needs.
An emergency fund gives you a financial safety net and peace of mind to handle the situation …
In this article, we will look at one of the options you have for getting out of debt . If the collections agencies are knocking on your door and your debt repayments are ruining your budget , a debt consolidation loan can be exactly what you need to get your finances back into order.
Debt consolidation is a very simple idea. The average consumer has debt from a lot of …
Not everyone is born knowing how to balance a budget or save for retirement . Many people, when it comes to financial planning, just close their eyes and cross their fingers. For those people, the first push towards educating themselves about finances often comes when disaster strikes: say, they are refused a mortgage . Bad credit can sneak up on you. You miss a credit card payment here , you …
The mortgage on your home is probably the largest piece of debt that you will ever take on. According to Canadian Real Estate Association data, the average Canadian house price in August 2014 was just under $400,000, and house prices are expected to continue to rise.
When you’re likely to spend decades paying off a loan, it makes sense to negotiate good terms to begin with. While you shouldn’t expect …
We all know by now that credit cards are risky. Without good financial discipline, it is very easy to bury yourself under a mountain of debt, and very difficult to dig your way back out . But what if there was a way to make your credit card work for you?
Not with rewards, or free gift vouchers, but cold, hard cash. There are some who believe that credit card …
When your other debt management options are exhausted, it might be time to declare bankruptcy. When the debt collectors are after you and you can’t make your payments, even with sensible financial planning, bankruptcy can wipe your slate clean. This is why you should pay great attention to understanding how to achieve your financial goals.
Your debts will be forgiven, your credit history would be completely wiped out, and …
This article is part of our Finance Hub.
Credit cards are useful, but they’re also dangerous. Their convenience makes it very easy to pile up debt, debt which will accumulate interest quickly and ruin your finances. This guide will teach you how to use your credit card responsibly, enjoying the benefits of credit card use while avoiding the risks.
Life Without Credit Cards
If credit cards are risky, why …