Graduating from college can be one of the most exciting milestones in any young person's life. Hard work truly does pay off and depending upon one's chosen occupation, college can open up many doors. However, an awareness of certain financial strategies can particularly come in handy for college graduates. While the aforementioned graduates may have worked part-time jobs during their years of academia, there are still some critical points which …
As the world of work changes, more and more people are taking steps to go into business for themselves. Sometimes this is done via freelancing, the gig economy, or simply by launching a startup company.
However, making the right moves when launching a startup business is absolutely imperative and can be the determining factor in success or failure. One of the biggest and most common mistakes made by aspiring entrepreneurs …
As the world evolves, so do work options and the workforce in general. The inevitable emergence of artificial intelligence and automation has also played a role in the shift and perception of work.
Traditionally, when most people thought of work, they were reminded of a specific place where they went to offer a particular service or product. However, this, too, is changing.
More and more people are rejecting notions of …
Entrepreneurship has become a somewhat trendy career path. We’re inundated daily by pictures of people working remotely on tropical beaches, and videos of teenagers driving luxury cars. With these kinds of ideas and notions bombarding you literally every single day, it’s hard not to daydream about making billions and getting rich. Especially without having to clock in and out at a place that you literally dread working at.
Going into …
Lots of money-saving advice does require an individual or family to change their lifestyle to be successful. We've said that it takes commitment and good banking habits to succeed financially. The cost of raising children has certainly increased significantly, approximately 40% today. Even the most frugal Canadian families can struggle financially, with the best methods in place. However, remember that there are simple, easy things you can do to help …
You hate your job so much that you want to quit. You even hate it so much that you want to quit today. Of course, this can happen. However, are you prepared for this? Have you factored in your everyday expenses?
While it is your personal choice to decide when to quit a position, it is also important to realize this decision has to be owned. If quitting your job …
Life is demanding and stressful. For many Canadian families there is constant worry or some form of anxiety lurking. Sometimes it comes from simply feeling like you’re trying to do it all. And sometimes life is just difficult period. Natural leaders have discovered ways to manage stress and maintain their composure in order to stay ahead of the game. Canadian professionals who can learn how to overcome personal problems on …
Have you ever heard of time poverty? This exists. Mismanagement of your time can lead you on the road to poverty. As people get older and decide whether to retire or unretire, they may be surprised to find themselves time-poor.
Time management is critical to Canadian career professionals. In fact, all the people occupying professional positions across the globe need it. Time management is not about getting to places …
You don't need a job 9 to 5? Now, that is a new one, isn't it? It would be really exciting if it were true--but what if it could be? While we all do need a stable income to pay those routine bills and cover surprise expenses (plus more) there are more credible ways of doing this than just getting a job. Canadians who work overtime are found to be …
When you have make moves to boost your career goals, or to perhaps increase your financial stability--this should never become something that is impossible. Making money, and saving money is always in your control. Like when picking the right car insurance.
You can keep this from filling you with anxiety and stress! The best thing you can do for yourself is stage and plan, just like when it comes …