How to Reduce Taxes

Posted on Saturday 25 August 2018

This article is part of our Finance Hub.

As working people ascend to higher levels of success, they will inevitably wish to maintain their financial earnings. This can be particularly challenging when tax season comes around. For this reason, many hardworking individuals are constantly seeking out various means of reducing their taxes (After mastering basic money handling skills of course) and holding onto the money which they have rightfully earned. Thankfully, there are a host of legal means that people can employ as they work to decrease their tax bills. The following options and tools may not have been readily available to them in the past. However, this knowledge and information will certainly prove to be beneficial in current and future times.

Look into Write-Offs and Deductibles

One of the easiest and most simplistic ways for people to reduce their taxes is by writing off expenses that qualify as deductibles, explains Entrepreneur . The majority of expenses that qualify as deductibles are generally professional expenses or closely related fees. Transportation, royalties, payroll fees, and other costs can be written off during tax season. However, applicable deductibles will vary from person to person, seeing as no two individuals have the exact same situation.

Not all expenses are deductible and, as a matter of fact, attempting to write off certain fees can actually garner legal trouble, affirms Cleveland 19 . There are different ways to write off certain expenses and various situations which qualify. For the average individual who lacks familiarity with tax laws, this can be quite nuanced and complicated. Therefore, many people contract the services of accountants and tax specialists. If you are looking to purchase a business, the tax savings might be greater. The best way to find out is to talk to a professional. See if they recommend that you get rid of any existing last bit of debt by applying for a payday loan or something else.

Delay Certain Payments

Another clever (and legal) way of lessening your taxes is by simply "deferring" certain payments, as stated by Kiplinger . Waiting until the new year to cash certain checks, billing clients towards the end of December, and delaying certain dividends can come in handy. Individuals who are unsure of how to delay certain payments can consult financial advisors for advice that specifically tailors to their present situations.

Save Money for Retirement

Time affirms that individuals who put funds aside towards their retirement are able to qualify for what is known as a 401K "pre-tax." In essence, putting aside money for this form of retirement allows people to withdraw the number of saved funds from what is considered as taxable income. Moreover, taxpayers are permitted to subtract a maximum of $5000 worth of funds within a traditional IRA. To make a long story short, saving money for retirement really pays off when tax season rolls around. On a side note, saving money in general is a good habit. Whether you are preparing for a job lay off or doing it for a vacation, saving is just the right way to go about things anyways.

A Final Word

Taking advantage of all legal means to reduce owed taxes is absolutely paramount. Especially when it will be time for retirement. Many individuals may be shocked to learn just how many deductibles they can write off. Delaying certain payments and putting aside money into 401K and IRA accounts also wields significant payoffs. In some of the best case scenarios, hard-working people have been able to save so many funds in taxes that the government ultimately wound up owing them money!