
Does Saving Money Really Work ?

Simply put, saving money is hard. Just meeting your monthly bills can be challenging enough, and it’s tempting to put extra cash towards fun things, like a day out with friends or for a date night. Getting into a consistent habit of saving takes dedication and it can certainly be stressful. Especially if you don't know how to reduce your taxes and if you’re already tight on budget.

Even …

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Are Payday Loans Quick to Process?

This article is part of our Finance Hub.

Chances are, if you’re thinking about getting a payday loan, you need money as quickly as possible. Every second spent waiting for a loan to be accepted and processed is a second closer to an overdraft fee, a bounced check, late rent payment, cancelled utility service—the list goes on!

Time is often essential when it comes to your personal finances, …

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Why Do People Use Payday Loans?

Anyone with a bank account knows the drill—after so many days of positive banking history, you’re going to start getting bombarded by letters and emails to sign up for their newest lending products. We’ve all seen the same headlines: Get a low-interest business loan today! Sign up for our credit card with zero percent interest for six months!

With so many ways to get a loan, why do people use …

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Cash Advances: How They Work and How They Can Help

Let’s face it: not having cash on hand can be frustrating. Credit card bills, car payments, and rent schedules don’t always line up with our paycheques, leaving us strapped for cash at the last minute. We’ve all been there!

Add in the last-minute expenses like having to replace the brakes in your car, purchasing a new water heater, or—knock on wood—accidentally dropping your phone in the toilet, and you could …

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