At the very least, a payday loan should arrive on the same day. It's hard to believe that there are lenders out there in 2022 there that can't deliver a same day loan. Of course we can absolutely deliver a payday loan on the same day. In fact when you want to borrow from us, we will get you the funds in a few minutes. Our application form is easy to understand and submitting your banking data to set up your PAD is also completely electronic which means hardly any waiting. The entire process can be completed from the comfort of your home. You could even fill out the form from your car, but we ask that you be parked safely before doing so -- we don't want you to get a traffic ticket.
Our qualifications are simple:
If you fit this list, you should fill in our application form. Our electronic application process will give you a response very quickly.
All the forms are done over the internet. From the application to submitting your banking details, you won't have to get out of your chair. Even the contract is signed digitally, for maximum convenience.
You get the funds by e-Transfer. This is much better than EFTs that some lenders use. Instead of waiting for the next business day, you get the money within 15 minutes. Of course this is far better than having to get in your car or ride the bus to a brick and mortar lender, especially if after all that work they deny your application.
No writing post-dated cheques required. Once we've set up your PAD the money will come directly out of your bank account on your next pay day. It's that easy with My Canada Payday, the easiest way to borrow money online.
We use the latest TLS encryption to secure your application data. All your data is stored securely, and we will never share your personal details with a third party without your consent. See our privacy policy for details.